Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Everything is Falling into Place

For once everything seems to be falling into place perfectly.  Stephens name has finally appeared on the "A" school list, which is the list for Rescue Swimming School (AST).  He is number 108 out of 123.  It may seem like a long time before he is even going to be going to the school but it has given us a great estimate on when.  He should start airman training in April and then probably AST in August. 

With is name on the "A" school list we have finally been able to pick a wedding date!!!! April 9th, 2011! We have found our venue and things are going pretty smooth right now!  Along with our wedding I only have 15 more credit hours until I can graduate!!

One more thing of good news, because Stephen is currently stationed in Chattanooga I have been able to see him almost every weekend!  He leave Thursday's after work (if they don't have work on Friday's) and then he leaves late Sunday night!  It is such an amazing feeling to be back with him even if it is for a short time.

Let's hope everything stays good!


  1. Aww, im so happy that everything is going good for you two. And congrats for setting a date and venue. I can't wait to see you in your pretty dress! Don't forget about me when you are sending out your invitations!

  2. Awesome. It's nice when things go well back to back.
